But JOY is what this season is all about. This morning I was reflecting upon the ordeal Mary went through in the Nativity. I’m a mother, and even though it was 16 years ago I still vividly remember what it felt like to be nine months pregnant. Even in today’s modern culture it’s not something I would describe as comfortable. So I’m sure that Mary was feeling anything but blessed and joyful as she endured a long donkey ride to Bethlehem in her state of full-term pregnancy. I’m sure she didn’t shout, “Oh, Joy!” as she went into labor while Joseph struck out at every inn, only to settle for a cold stable which offered only hay, straw and a manger as creature comforts and probably wreaked of the offal of the creatures that lived there. As she went through the wracking pains of advanced labor contractions, Mary probably felt anything but joyful as she was forced to rely upon only her husband to help her with the delivery (in a time when men were forbidden to be present during labor – and probably only too happy about it), instead of the comfort of her mother or a traditional midwife.
But there is a miracle that almost every mother experiences once the baby makes its entrance into the world. It is beautifully phrased in a framed piece of calligraphy a dear friend gave to me when Clarissa was born:
As soon as she is delivered of the child
she remembreth no more the anguish
for the
that one is born into the world.
Author Unknown
she remembreth no more the anguish
for the
that one is born into the world.
Author Unknown
My past year has been filled with a profusion of trials and tribulations. But as I’ve clung to God through all of it, blessings and joy have continued to flow through my life in abundance (with the love, support and prayers of my friends among them). And in spite of the commercialism, hustle and bustle that our modern society has attached to this holiday, even if you are not a person of faith, it is a wonderful time to celebrate the joy of the blessings in your life.
So, my wish for everyone this Christmas, the coming New Year, and always is
Blessings to you!
Blessings to you!